Salim ♂️

meaning of Salim

Écriture alternative: Selim, Slim

Genre: masculin

Écriture arabe: سليم

The Meaning Behind Salim

Salim, an Arabic name, intricately carries several positive meanings such as “the obedient,” “submissive,” “free of any defect,” and “the healthy person”. It emanates from the Arabic verb “Salima” which means “to be safe” or “to be unharmed”. In Arabic culture, naming a child Salim carries wishes of good health, integrity, and obedience. This sentiment towards wellbeing and tranquility tied to the name is a reflection of Arabic’s attention to the significance of names and their meanings.

Origines historiques

The name Salim finds its roots in ancient Arabic culture, belonging to Arabic linguistic roots. It was borne by several historical figures, including Salim, the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and Selim III, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. It has evolved over time and been adopted by different cultures, leading to alternative writings such as Selim in Turkish and Slim in North African regions.


Salim assumes popularity especially amongst Muslim communities worldwide due to its positive connotations and the fact that it was a name held by Companions of the Prophet. It is abundantly used in Middle Eastern countries, North Africa, and Turkey. Though still prevalent, the name’s usage has seen mild fluctuation over the years.

Personnalités célèbres

Salim Ali (Indian ornithologist and naturalist)

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